Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Media and Its influence on...everyone!

So Christmas is just around the corner...And you defiantly would know it if you have been watching television. They are bombarding our tubes with tons of commercials for electronics, clothes, gadgets, toys, the Dog Snuggie and anything else imaginable. Lately I have been noticing these commercials and how influential they could be on adults and kids alike. One particular company I have noticed that really is promoting their products this year is Gap. Their commericals bother me, and I think it is becuase of the message they are conveying to people...I know lots of commercials are like this, but for some reason these Gap commericals are really getting under my skin this year...Here are the two that I am having issues with...Let me know what your opinion is on these commercials.

2,4,6,8 tis the time to liberate...I don't get it..

This one is for kids...I think this one bothers me the most...

photo blog for November 19th

Photo of an interactive 3-D map made for a second grade social studies unit on African countries. Our country was Zambia..

Photo of me holding my tribal mask made to resemble the masks of the Bembe Tribe in Zambia